Wednesday, March 14, 2007

2nd spin attempt

2nd spin attempt
Originally uploaded by firedupfairy.
It's going much better now! While it's not totally consistent, at least I don't have anything as thick as bright blue rastafari yarn dreads!!!! I'm getting a better hang of the whole park & draft method~ drafting especially. Here's a pick of my spun up fiber. I spun all of the blue wool top. I'm guessing it was about an ounce or so. I know that I had 3 total ounces of fiber. The second is a pretty English multi-colored wool top. There's a bit more of that than the blue. It's GORGEOUS!!!!!!

I am also making better headway w/ my Pomatomus socks. Took me a few rows to get more comfortable w/ the pattern. I was knitting too tightly which made it difficult to get into some of the back loops.

2nd attempt at spinning
Originally uploaded by firedupfairy.

starting pomatomus
Originally uploaded by firedupfairy.

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

Your sock is looking wonderful!!!!