Thursday, March 1, 2007

Lime & Violet PrOn Exchange~~

Here it goes!!!

1. What kind of fibers do you prefer?
i've just learned what real yarn, ie~non-acrylic, is like!!! but since I live in florida, it has to be something light and airy

2. What kind of weight do you prefer (sock, worsted, bulky)?
I just got into making socks, so sock yarn and other light weights for springy/summery garments

3. Do you spin?
I wish! I'd like to learn, but I don't have a clue!

4. Do you crochet?
I can, but I prefer knit over crochet

5. Are there any books, patterns, magazines would you like to own that you don't?
many!! i only have SnB Nation and Happy Hooker. I've been oogling the Loop d Loop books, ALterknits, and others (see amazon link below)

6. Are you participating in any themed a-longs like the Project Spectrum?
nope, i'm a swap virgin!

7. Do you have a wishlist on or (provide a link)

8. Any Etsy stores that you would love to get something from?
crash into ewe, samurai knitter, kindred spirits yarn, mystical creations

9. What other crafty things are you involved in (quilting, drawing, painting)?
crochet, photography, card making,

10. What is your favorite sort of scent?
gardenia, citrus fruity things like mango/passion fruit

11. Do you have a sweet tooth and what kind of sweets do you like best?
HAHAH! YEAH! chocolate/cocounut, gummies of all sorts (especiall greens & yellows), if it's sweet,, there's little chance of it escaping my mouth!

12. What kind of music do you like?
EVERYTHING! alternative/punk mostly. i LOVE pixies, bjork, david bowie, korn, rob zombie, sunny day real estate, beattles, doors, lots of stuff

13. What do you like to knit? And for whom?
whatever i can. i live in florida, so i'm kinda limited. no real use for scarves, gloves, or sweaters. i like to knit cute tops and halters and such. i'm just now exploring the world of socks~ which is fun. i've knit up lots of cute baby sets. anything that's not stockinette hell that will keep me occupied!!! things that are light and airy and comfy for our hot humid weather

14. What sort of things do you like to collect?
faeries!!! i love faeries~ especially by the likes of brian froud and amy brown! tatoos~ does that count??

15. Do you want needles? And what kind do you prefer?
can't say no to needles, especially smaller ones (since I just started knitting socks, i only own 2.5mm dpns) I personally prefer metals, like addi's. they feel sturdier to me.

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