Sunday, April 8, 2007

Spinning Delphinum

Spinning Delphinum
Originally uploaded by firedupfairy.
I'm soo excited~ I'm dancing round my living room!! Because I got lots of chocolate for Easter??? NOOOOOO~ Because my spinning is actually starting to look like R-E-A-L spinning! I'm sooo happy! SQUEEEEEE.... This is the BFL roving I got from Spunky Eclectic. It's coming along quite nicely!

1 comment:

Dudleyspinner said...

that is looking GOOD when your fiber is really well prepared spinning is so much easier. I think the tension for pulling on is like a leather band around the shaft so if you have trouble with the yarn pulling in, just tighten that up. The babe electric I have is called a bobbin driven wheel and the set up on yours looks the same.