Monday, September 17, 2007


Here are photos of stuffs.... ant in his new, $5, jack skellington shirt, which goes great with his finally finished socks! yup, that's the yarn he dyed~ perhaps he should go in business with me!
also, a photo of my newly dyed red hair. i tend to do this when the seasons change. its pretty deep. i was planning on going with something a little more brown, but i just can't help going with those crazy hair colors that tap into the old punk rock girl inside


belle7171 said...

I like the red!

GaietyGirl said...

I am completely obsessed with TNBC. I even have a Jack cookie jar lol

Love the hair as well :)

Molly Bee said...

The socks are great? How long have you been spinning (I only have a week under my belt!) Is your yarn two ply?